Welcome to my resources page.
Read the description of the pages below and click on the headings for more information.
Client newsletters are available in pdf format. They provide general guidance on tax topics that may be of interest to you.
Tax Organizers
Please email us at gkhashemcpa [Email address: gkhashemcpa #AT# tds.net - replace #AT# with @ ] or call us at 603-526-6809 to request a personalized tax organizer for 2019.
If you would like a generic organizer please click this link to download a 2019 Tax Organizer.
Tax and Personal Money Saving Tips
Tips to save you some taxes and money in your personal life.
Federal and state tax forms and publications for the taxpayer.
Check out the various financial calculators.
Business Information for the Business Owner
New Hampshire and Vermont business owners may want to check out the Business Owner’s Resource page for helpful links.
How long to I keep my records? Check out the record retention guide.